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Encouraging One Another  
to Live Extraordinary Lives 

         In the Details of Life
               Never Lose Sight of the Goal


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My Aim:
Encouraging You

Your life is not set in stone. 

There are things you want to do, places you long to visit. Maybe even move there. 

Something's stopping you. 

Fear of the unknown                          (You've always done the predictable)

Financial gamble            (What do you really want to do with your money?)

Lack of security                                           (How do you define "secure"?)

Away from family & friends    (When you are alone, how well do you stand?)

Too attached to your stuff                  (What is that stuff that clutters your life?)

Perhaps a life of high adventure is really not for you. But let's have fun exploring the possibilities.

This website is designed to showcase various writings, photos & graphics, audio samples, and presentations. They have covered a wide range of topics over the years. Each, in some way, stems from the sense of adventure that permeates my soul. Perhaps you feel that tug as well. If so, won't you hike with me through this website as we explore our imaginations and possibly future realities? 

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